Then Mommy carried me to the doors of the operating room and she and Daddy
gave me big hugs and kisses and told me they would see me later-but I was already in "versed-happy land"!
Mommy and Daddy then kept wait in the Surgery Waiting Room, and at 9am moved to the Ronald McDonald Family
Room. Lisa, one of the CV RN's kept us posted on Dr. Lofland's progress with Ethan.
Grandpa Chuck, Grandma Sharon, and Aunt Katie all came up to sit with Mommy and Daddy and keep them company.
Back home Grandma and Grandpa Rawley arrived early at our house to sit with Hailey and Parker.
Many wonderful visitors came by also just to say hi, bring a gift or just give Mommy a much needed hug.
Valerie from CHD Families and her son Jonah came by to say hi and bring me a stuffed bear.
Peggy, Maura's mommy, (a heart buddy of mine) came by and brought me a really cool stuffed husky puppy and
gave Mommy a big hug, and Michael-Ann and her son Garrett (another heart buddy of mine) came by and brought me a Bambi stuffed
At exactly noon, Dr. Lofland came to talk to Mommy and Daddy in the RM Room. He was able to do
the "complete Tet repair" and also found a cleft in my mitral valve which he was able to fix and get the leakage there down
to almost nothing! He was very pleased, and told Mommy and Daddy I had done GRRReat! and would be in my room in the
PICU soon!